Star control 2 walkthrough
Star control 2 walkthrough

star control 2 walkthrough
star control 2 walkthrough

Not only is it fun to play with, but it's essential if you want to find every Key Data and for completing some of the later story missions. Though you get the ground-based Jumper as part of the introductory story missions, the Quadcopter is only found by saving up a decent amount of money - $67,500 to be exact. The 3D Printer in the HackerSpace HQ can spit out a variety of weapons and gadgets, but the most sought after is the Quadcopter, a flying drone that lets you access far-away items. We've listed where they all are in our Watch Dogs 2 Key Data locations page. So if you want to gain access to all the abilities Marcus has to offer - which we'd recommend, as even if you want to go down the game's suggested Aggressor, Ghost or Trickster 'roles', they all come in handy in different situations - it pays to explore and tick these off. In short, most areas have an enemy stronghold with a piece of Key Data - which you can either walk up to and hack, or simply collect - guarded by patrolling enemies or a puzzle. Most branches are gated by finding 'Key Data' out in the world. However, simply collecting points won't allow you to unlock and purchase each branch.


You get these primarily through gathering Followers (our page on how to get more Followers explains the ways to get more) and also by finding them hackable, collectible nodes out in the world. Watch Dogs 2's research tree and its seven areas - Vehicle Hacking, Social Engineering, City Disruption, Tinkering, Botnets, Marksmanship, Remote CTRL - is gradually unlocked as you see fit by spending the Research Points you accumulate. Research not only requires points, but activities to unlock


Side Operations, Key Data, Research Points and Money Bags (which are explained in more detail below) are such items that will appear as a fuzzy orange or blue outline until you get close enough, and when it's added, you're free to return back to claim the spoils later. It's worth pinging regularly during each story mission, but it's also useful while out exploring the world, as they can also add optional points of interest to the Nudle map, if you're close enough. NetHack - the game's detective vision that was called Focus in the original, and is activated by clicking in the right stick on consoles - allows you to look at points of interest nearby clearer, such as hackable objects and how they might interact with one another, as well as spotting guards so you can sneak past them easily later. While quite liberating, it doesn't spell out what's important or most noteworthy, so here's an overview of what's out there and the best ways to accomplish whatever goals you have. Instead, the map will be littered with points of interest, and a Trophy list can act as a guide for where you should focus your attention. Unlike other open-world games, there are few progress screens to tell you how close to 100% completion you are.

star control 2 walkthrough

Watch Dogs 2: Guide and tips to the game's many other activities

  • Watch Dogs 2 - Stolen Signals, Whistleblower, Kickin It Old School, Primary Target.
  • Watch Dogs 2 - A High Price to Pay, The Name Game, Ripcode, Always On, Bad Publicity.
  • Watch Dogs 2 - Infected Bytes, Proviblues, Ghost Signals, Pink Slips.
  • Watch Dogs 2 - Haum Intruder, Schadenfreude, Paint Job, Rodentia Academy, Bottom Dollar.
  • Watch Dogs 2 - Ubistolen, $911 and Shadows side missions.
  • Below is a list of known Side Operations and how to locate them. Specific Side Operations can be unlocked over the course of playing the Main Operations above, or found out in the world. To unlock Main Operations, simply play one mission to the next. There's also Cooperative Operations that show up in the app - more on online activities later on - but since these are randomly generated, we don't have specific guides available to help. If you want to delve into any story stuff, then the DedSec app is your best bet, while the Nudle map will also point the starting locations of quests you've unlocked.


    Watch Dogs 2 PS4 Pro Gameplay - First Look/Analysis Both are technically optional you have to complete the opening 'Wipe Your Profile' mission to get out into the open world, but from there, you can ignore everything and do as you please. The missions of Watch Dogs 2 are broken down into two core types - Main Operations (the main story) and Side Operations (side missions). Our Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough gives you a complete step-by-step guide through the game's story missions, while this Watch Dogs 2 guide page will also inform you of the many other activities you can get up. Watch Dogs 2 ditches the po-faced protagonist and serious tone of the original for a more light-hearted world in the new setting of San Francisco - the perfect destination for a hacking-centric caper.

    Star control 2 walkthrough